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The visit to Florence

It was all about experience and stimulation: tastes, languages, smells, music, nature and so much art. Florence, the city itself is really livable and homely. We could map up the city basically in three days. We could walk almost everywhere in under twenty minutes. Hanna Dittrich‘s report about the FLAIR – adult education project in Florence.

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IMG 1981

Fictional situation from within – Kostas Amoiropoulos’ workshop

How different is it to explore situations from a role than exploring it through distancing conventions? What structures, approaches are there to putting participants into role? What sort of approach is “living through drama”?

These are the questions that participants will explore in Kostas Amoiropoulos’s whole day workshop. This practice centred course will build on collective experimentation, and will connect to working with different age-groups.

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