Fictional situation from within – Kostas Amoiropoulos’ workshop

InSite Drama and Káva Cultural Group offer:

Fictional situations form within – workshop exploring approaches to building the participants role

Dr. Kostas Amoiropoulos

English language workshop with Hungarian translation

10.00 – 18.00, 15th of April 2023 

How different is it to explore situations from a role than exploring it through distancing conventions? What structures, approaches are there to putting participants into role? What sort of approach is “living through drama”?

These are the questions that participants will explore in Kostas Amoiropoulos’s whole day workshop. This practice centred course will build on collective experimentation, and will connect to working with different age-groups.


Kostas Amoiropoulos is currently working at Oslomet University, Norway, as an associate professor in drama. He is interested in researching mainly the areas of drama in the early years, drama as a context for change, and the development of the art form of drama. His 2018 workshop in Budapest was very well received.

Translator: Adam Bethlenfalvy

Venue: Káva Kulturális Műhely (1117 Budapest, Kőrösy József utca 17. B building, green gate, Káva button on phone)

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Registration fee: 7.000 HUF (approx. 18 EUR)

Registration link:

We will send you an email with details for A regisztrációt követően e-mailben értesítjük a részvételi díj befizetésével kapcsolatos teendőkről. A regisztráció csak a díj befizetését követően válik érvényessé.)


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