Site B – online seminars exploring key components of ‘being’ in role in process drama
Engaging experientially with the fictional world is central to process drama. The nature of this engagement and the characteristics of the fiction offer a number of important theoretical and practical questions to be discussed by drama practitioners. This series of ninety-minute online seminars discusses some of the key concepts through the analysis of moments of practice in five events led by an international group of experts.
Key elements discussed will be contextualisation, metaxis, protection into role, reflection, artistic form, the extreme and the tragic.
Seminar leaders: Prof. David Davis, Dr. Kostas Amoiropoulos, Chris Cooper, Cao Xi, Dr. Adam Bethlenfalvy (short bio below)
Read moreThe Package – new video with English subtitles
We are able to share a new video about our Theatre in Education programme titled The Package, exploring dealing with loss and grief. This production for 8-10 year old was created in co-production with Round Table TIE Company and The GAP Arts Project, designed and directed by Ceri Townsend. The video was directed by Zsófi Szilágyi.
Read more about the programme here.
Read more“I have never been exposed to so many different ways of thinking or accents..”
“I had to rewire part of my thinking to be able to see through it entirely and connect all the dots, exactly why are we doing this first and then that, but once I could do it, it all seemed very logical. There was even some thinking or organizing patterns which I discovered I can use for not business-related purposes as well, which is a bonus without a doubt.” – you can read one of the Hungarian participants, Daniella Martin’s review about CREAction4EU online training course.
Read moreOur resources are available!
In addition to downloadable books and publications from international projects, we also offer video content – several of our presentations, previous workshops and conference materials are available on our YouTube channel.
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