The Giant’s Embrace
a theatre in eduaction performance for 4-8 year olds
A co-production between InSite Drama and Kerekasztal Színházi Nevelési Központ
The program lasts 50-60 minutes.
We perform in the nursery group’s own space to maximum one group of participants.
We have an English language version of this program.
The greedy Giant has eaten up the whole world. The poor people are starving. Jancsi heads for the dark and frightening forest, to find some food for his crying little brother and starving family….
A story about consumption, about society and nature, through story and play.
We use the story with the permission of Big Brum TIE Co.
Written by: Chris Cooper
Translated by: Hajós Zsuzsa
Actor/teachers: Bethlenfalvy Ádám, Nyári Arnold
Director and designer: Ceri Towsend