We received the following feedback from kindergarten teachers:
I would like to congratulate the creators of this performance. I enjoyed the performance and the program greatly and saw that the small children (3-4 year-old) and the bigger one (6-7 year-old) were caught and held by the performance throughout. It is not easy to hold the attention of three-four year old children for an hour, so I would especially like to express my admiration for this.
Both the frame story and the folk-tale-like story within very well created. The design, the use of everyday objects and rubbish that are there around the children in their normal lives was also a fantastic idea.
Your performance complements our daily work really well!
Kappeller Zsuzsanna
We were extremely happy to see how easily the smaller children joined in with the bigger ones in the interactive play, the way both of you built a connection with them straight away really helped in this.
It was good to see how clearly the children express themselves in this programme, and how important it is for them to help Uncle Laci.
We have a mixed age-group class and apart from one girl, who usually shies out of joint activities, everyone joint in and they all had a fantastic time with you on this morning! They were able to contribute but also enjoy the humour of this performance.
Congratulations and thank you!
Juhász Zsuzsanna & Nyitrai Rita (méhecske group)
About the performance at Kerekerdő Óvoda (Budapest,IX. kerület, Vágóhíd utca 35-37.) on the 31st of March, 2016.