
Borito final 3 minta ajanlo

Book launch – Handbook of Theatre in Education and Theatre Pedagogy

Following a long and complex process of consultation between theatre organisations and specialist working in the field of theatre education and theatre-pedagogy the book containing the results of this process will be shared with the wider public.

Date: 2017. October 26. 15:00-18:30

Venue: Benczúr Ház (Budapest VI., Benczúr u. 27.)

All participants will receive a copy of the book, thanks to the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary. The book and the book launch are in Hungarian.

You can register for the book launch here.


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Invitation to take part in working on definitions, strategy and quality assurance of theatre education programs

InSite Drama has launched a large scale project inviting all theatre organisations to join in creating definitions, strategy and quality assurance measures in the field of theatre education programs.

The work started with working groups formed by representatives of the national organisations, and it continues now by opening the discussion towards all practitioners in the field.

We will be holding an open forum on the 6th of June, but all material will be available for reading and commenting online as well on

The work is focused on Hungarian organisations and companies, practitioners, but we will be reporting on the developments to the international community as well.

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Giant tour

In the first half of the season Giant’s Embrace has been touring to nurseries in underprivileged villages and towns. Thanks to fund secured by Round Table TIE we can tour the program to villages where children rarely get to see theatre, and even more rarely do theatre performances come to their group rooms in the […]

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Preparing a new Bond production

InSite will premier Edward Bond’s Edge on the 8th of March. The preparations and rehearsals are in process for the new production which will be performed in a flat. Edward Bond is one of the most inspiring contemporary playwrights and his piece Edge reaches back to the Greeks in structure and content, but offers a […]

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