What we offer

Drama in education trainings for teachers

  • Introduction to drama education – an introduction to the theory and practice – with an emphasis on practice – demonstrating the essential uses of drama as a tool for learning for teachers working in theatre and drama or across a range of subjects.
  • Different approaches to drama education – mapping out the difference in approach between pioneers in drama education (Heathcote, Bolton, Neelands, O’Neill) through examining their practice.
  • Bondian drama education – the potential for using Edward Bond’s approach to theatre in classroom drama.

Trainings for theatre practitioners

  • Educational practices linked to performances – training for actors and/or staff working with young people/children.
  • Course in Theatre in Education – for designing and implementing complex TIE programmes for different age-groups and different contexts.

Specialist advice in designing educational drama programs and research

  • With the successful implantation of a variety of drama and theatre education programs behind us, and a considerable amount of experience in research of different scope and approach, we can assist in designing new or evaluating and re-working existing programs to enhance effectiveness and  efficiency.

Drama education projects or theatre interventions for specific purposes in projects 

  • We design and execute drama based interventions in order to achieve specific aims outlined in projects. We have experience ranging from aiding civic youth projects to helping equity research with dramatic tools. We believe that any educational and artistic activity should take into consideration the specific context it is being implemented in. We adapt all our trainings in relation to specific needs and circumstances.

Theatre in Education productions: 

The Giant’s Embrace – a theatre in education production for early years

This co-production between InSite Drama and Kerekasztal Színházi Nevelési Központ is usually performed in the nursery group’s own space to maximum one group group of participants and lasts 50-60 minutes. The English language version of the program has been performed for adult and mixed age audiences in Hungary and abroad.

The greedy Giant has eaten up the whole world. The poor people are starving. Jancsi heads for the dark and frightening forest, to find some food for his crying little brother and starving family….

A story about consumption, about society and nature, through story and play.

Benched – theatre in education production (Hungarian website)

Chris Cooper’s new monodrama Benched offers a view of the current world from the side-lines of society. The man on the park bench relates his experience of the world to a new-born baby sleeping in a pram. The narratives he uses to explain events that link the present social, economic and cultural crisis to his own everyday life are not his own and gradually they are woven into a story in which reality can’t be separated from fiction, lie from truth, cruelty from responsible behaviour with tragic consequences. The 40 minute performance opens up questions about the role of stories and ideology in our lives. These questions are explored further interactively through workshops utilising a drama and theatre methodology.

The program is aimed at age 16 and above.  It is flexibly designed to accommodate a variety of settings from classrooms to studio theatres, and educational needs which can be applied across the curriculum. It is also possible to use Benched as a part of our training courses.

Our international projects:

2012 Youth in Action HU-43-E4-2012-R1, Understanding our Extremes
2013 DAPHNE III Programme EUBULLY – Addressing bullying in the physical and virtual classroom incorporating cyber bullying
2014 Erasmus+ Capacity building 2014 – 1266 / 001 -001, Facing the Gap
2017 EEA Grants HU07-C2_2017, ’The Girl in the Attic’ Norwegian Theatre in Education
2017 Erasmus+ KA2 2017-1-UK01-KA201-036559, Democracy through Drama
2019 Erasmus+ KA3 612178-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Promotion of democratic values and diversity in Schools through Creative Drama and Fairy Tales / DIVERSE
2021 Erasmus+ KA2 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692, CREAction4EU
2021 Erasmus+ KA2 2020-1-RS01-KA227-SCH-094545, Awareness raising on gender based violence through theatre based school workshops / Antigone
2022 Erasmus+ EDU Erasmus-EDU-2022-PEX-TEACH-ACA, Akadimia
2023 Erasmus+ KA2 SSP KA210-ADU-88D04318 – FLAIR – The city as a nexus of community and society

Our references: 

We enhanced the development with of the field of theatre education in Hungary with the following projects: 

  • Cziboly Ádám (ed): Handbook for theatre education and theatre pedagogy (InSite Drama, 2017) – based on a large scale collaboration of all umbrella organisations in the field of theatre and a wide range of specialists and organisation working in the field of theatre in education.
  • Cziboly Ádám – Bethlenfalvy Ádám: InSite Handbook of Theatre Education (L’Harmattan, 2013) – based on a large scale national survey of all theatre programmes that are interactive and have an education related component in Hungary, covering 172 programmes and 119 organisations.
  • szinhazineveles.hu – the development of a website, a search engine of all theatre education programmes

We have collaborate in different structures professionally with the following theatres: 

  • Hevesi Sándor Theatre (Zalaegerszeg)
  • Budapest Puppet Theatre (Budapest)
  • Csokonai National Theatre (Debrecen)
  • Örkény Theatre (Budapest)
  • Kolibri Theatre (Budapest)
  • Krétakör Free school (Budapest)
  • National Dance Theatre (Budapest)
  • Clown on the Horizon (Budapest)
  • Bartók Theatre (Dunaújváros)
  • Round Table Theatre in Education Company (Budapest)
  • Big Brum TIE Co (Birmingham)
  • Trafó (Budapest)

We have collaborated with the following organisations on various projects:

  • Open Society Foundation
  • Ashoka Hungary
  • SOS Children Villages Hungary Foundation
  • T-Tudok

Our colleagues give papers and hold workshops at various international conferences and symposiums.