He thought he could walk home. For the last time. Watch his own sky. That it will be different on the other side of the world. But the an accidental meeting mixes up the plans.
Mother, Son, … and a Stranger. In a flat. One night.
The contemporary British dramatist Edward Bond’s play about ties, facing reality, and struggle between generations.
Every performance is followed by a 30 minute session of thinking together, we welcome all of you to stay on if you you are interested in other people’s thoughts or are happy to share yours.
Edward Bond: The Edge (_eddig)
Translated by: Ádám Bethlenfalvy
János Kardos
Edit Romankovics
Gábor Takács
The assitant of the director: Julcsi Szabó
Director: Ádám Bethlenfalvy
We thank the Werk Akadémia, the Örkény Theatre and Péter Tóth for their help!
The performance was created with the support of the EEA Grant, in the HU07-0218-B1-2016 number project of InSite Drama Nonprofit Kft.