InSite Drama is participating in an Erasmus+ project led by Birmingham City University that aims to help teachers working with 11-15 year old young people to create democratic spaces in their classrooms. Besides BCU our partners in the project are the Heartlands Academy from Birmingham, Ellinogermaniki Agogi school from Athens, the MimesisLab from the University of Rome and KeKi, the Children’s Right Knowledge Centre from Ghent.
We will be producing material that aims to help teachers of humanities in creating democratic spaces in their classrooms through drama. After a needs analysis that maps the possibilities and challenges of creating democratic spaces in the classroom the project will deliver various materials to assist teachers. Teaching aids and methodology will be tested in each country with teachers and two summer schools will provide the possibility of developing the work. In July 2018 the summer school will be organised in Greece and in 2019 we will be hosting the summer school in Budapest.
You can find the project’s Facebook page here, or read more about the plans and partners here in English.