The Girl in the Attic – collaborating in Bergen

We spent three exciting days in Bergen thanks to the support of the EEA Grants. We collaborated with the colleagues from the drama department of the Western Norway University. We had the opportunity to observe the Girl in the Attic, a theatre in education program for elderly people with dementia, that was created in the process of an earlier collaboration. Besides observing the program we also worked together with the creators on possibilities of developing the program.

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Collabortaing with Budapest Puppettheatre on the educational programs

EDV_7926_We could work with the artistic team at Budapest Puppettheatre to create educational programs to accompany some wonderful performances due to this project.

We worked together on a pre-show and a post-show workshop to accompany Caucasian Chalk Circle, a post-show workshop for Nothing, a post-performance program for Ganster Granny and we also worked with the team of Knot Fairy.

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Registration for the workshops is open

Registration has been opened for the workshops held by the drama specialists of the Western Norway University of Applied Arts.  Workshops will happen in Örkény Theatre, Budapest on the 17-18 of March, and in Debrecen in the Csokonai National Theatre on the 16th of March.

Workshops are free but you need to register. You can find the details of the programme and the registration form on this link:

Hordaland Teater’s performance – The Shoemakers Dream (Skomakerens draum) will also be performed in Budapest on the 17th of March, at MU Theatre. You can book your tickets here:

The Norwegian groups visit is being funded by EEA Grants.

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