Six EU-countries are working together under the umbrella of diversity in the classroom

DIVERSE project (Promotion of democratic values and diversity in schools through Creative Drama and Fairy Tales) got approved by the EU.

82125432 787007171777286 5340522752874905600 nThe main objective of the six-countries project is to improve the management of diversity in the classroom and especially in classrooms with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their school environment. The first specific objective of the project is to support teachers and educators that are teaching in multicultural schools (school with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant/ minority background) to develop their skills in order to promote effectively in the classroom. The project will focus both in elementary and secondary schools.

The project aims to upscale three methods that are related with storytelling and aim to promote emotional aspects of learning, promote the positive interaction between children  from migrant communities and children belonging to the mainstream communities and that promote non-verbal communication and learning. These methods are:

  • Drama in Education
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Fairy Tales

The project is aiming to adapt these methods in order to use them in multicultural schools and will produce a guidance book for this reason. Furthermore, the project is aiming to organise training of teachers in order to upscale the method. The training will be organised both face to face and through e-learning with participants all over Europe.

The project will focus on teachers that are teaching in schools with an increased number of children from refugee/ migrant/ minority background both in the primary and secondary education; and on the students of the multicultural classrooms (especially those of refugee/ migrant/ minority background but also those belonging to the mainstreaming community).

During the two years of the project, we will work on the following phases:

  • Development of methodology
  • Training of Trainers
  • Training of Teachers
  • Implementation in the classroom

The partner organizations are from Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Romania and Hungary.

This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.