Ready for the summer

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Benched – photo by Máté Tóth Ridovics

This last year has been a very busy one for InSite. We started in the autumn with finishing our research of educational theatres in Hungary and publishing a 400 page book which contains a catalogue, a categorisation of the field some important questions coming out of the research.
There has been huge interest within the field for the learnings coming out of the survey, Adam Cziboly has been presenting at every major event about educational theatre in the country, InSite has also collaborated in organising a conference that accompanied the ASSITEJ theatre festival in Kaposvár.

We have also produced our first own theatre in education program this year in collaboration with Trafó. Chris Cooper wrote and directed Benched, which will be touring on from September. Kispad/Benched has its own blog where you will find more photos and writings in Hungarian.

We began a series of trainings for theatres in the end of June, which will continue in August and September.

Both Adam Cziboly and Adam Bethlenfalvy have had a busy professional year outside InSite too (it is impossible not to mention Adam C’s PhD in neurobiology), and on a personal level as well. The birth of Iván Bethlenfalvy in January was a joyous event and we look forward to the birth of Baby Cziboly in November!