Call for participants

Drama workshop in two acts

organised by InSite and Trafó

22nd to 25th June, 2015. 

Trafó, Budapest

1)    Chinese Whisper – drama and theatre education in China

a6712692ee64b7153a8376c57959882bA one day demonstration and workshop about the state of education, Drama and Theatre in Education in China, and the approach and programmes of Drama Rainbow. The workshop will be led by the facilitators of Drama Rainbow.

In English – with Hungarian translation

22nd June, 2015. from 10:00 to 16:30

Trafó – Studio, 1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 41.

Participation is free of charge but registration is required.

You need to register separately for the two events.

Registration – Chinese Whisper:

2)      Common grounds – workshops on the theatrical and educational exploration of three concepts

705708bb8e312cabe2b7f0af55f6c425The feeling of isolation and the lack of social engagement is more and more a global concern. We believe that drama can offer the appropriate forms and a public space for young people to engage and face the most pressing problems of our times.

The workshop will be in English.

23rd to 25th June, 2015. 10:00 to 17:00

Venue: Trafó – Kontra Klub, 1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 41.

Participation is free of charge but registration is required.

You need to register separately for the two events.

Registration – Common Grounds:


Detailed description and information is available here:  in English – in Hungarian 

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